
They say I embrace diversity. It's only natural, being born and raised in Shanghai, then grew up in Washington Heights. They say I'm a jet-setter. I want to see the world, to meet different new people with all kinds of backgrounds and cultures. They say I'm artsy-fartsy. Everything around me continues to strengthen my passion and appreciation for the arts. They call me JZ. As my life experiences shape and define who I am as a person, music helps me to color my world as well as everything around me.

Album Review: Shane Hines – ‘All The Quiet, All The Chaos’

I took a look at the titles of All the Quiet, All the Chaos, and thought: be prepared to be overwhelmed with some serious business. I was wrong. Despite the misleading track titles such as “Cemetery Shoes,” the melodies are rather pleasant and uplifting. The Virginia-based rocker has made music heard in the main stream

Album Review: Shane Hines – ‘All The Quiet, All The Chaos’ Read More »

Keith Kenny

At the tender age of 24, Keith Kenny has been making music for almost half of his life. Born and raised in New Jersey, Keith has been making live appearances throughout the state and beyond. Often times with his father. Word on the street is that he puts on a great live show. The type

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