Song of the Day: “Would You Blink” by The Smallest Creature

Men in Black Tee shirts against a white wall |The Smallest Creature Song of the Day| Eat Sleep Breathe Music

Today’s song is “Would You Blink” by The Smallest Creature.

The Smallest Creature is the brainchild of Stefanos Marnerides. What started off as an alias for solo recordings and gigs in NYC grew into a power trio when Stefanos moved to his home town Larnaca. Joined by long-standing friends and past bandmates Stephanos Nicolaou (bass) and Lacovos Stylianides (drums) The Smallest Creature became so much more.

The trio overtime gave flesh to a number of original songs, which were eventually recorded in Fishbone Studios, under the old Barrel House pub, and the band’s debut album Million released in November 2016.

After the recordings, Stephanos Nicolaou had to move countries, and the groove-maester, tempo-guardian Pavlos Papadopoulos took his place on the bass.  At the same time, Andreas Matheou joined as a lead guitarist troubadour and turned the rock knob up a notch and a half. The now four-member group continued with very well-received live shows and original material towards a next release.  The band finally got into the studio in February 2020. They recorded and produced by their own new 11-piece album titled Magic Beans.

“Would You Blink” is the opening track is off their new full-length album “Magic Beans.”

The band has received accolades from various outlets and when you listen to their music you can hear why.

With just a few minutes you are taken away by The Smallest Creature’s intensifying sound. They remind me of an upbeat Radiohead with a dash of some impressive alt-rock and bass lines. This track takes you on a journey with its exciting and inquisitive lovelorn lyrics.

Listen below and for more information on the The Smallest Creature check out their official website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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