Song of the day: “I Listened” by Apes of the State

Today’s song is “I Listened” by Apes of the State. The Lancaster, Pennsylvania band consists of strummin n hummin Dandolin- mandolin, Mollitov- bringer of violence, breaker of silence, Charlie- bass attacketry, Colin- noise racketry, Sean Trigger – sometimes banjin and Ghyp:see – top secret spoon slammin’.

The story behind this track is a love song gone awry. Lead Singer April Hartman explains, “it was written in an awkward attempt to charm a girl, and things didn’t end up working out with that at all.” Despite the downfall, the song is still a quirky, lovable folk rock ballad that will make you laugh and and put a smile on your face. This five piece PA group has a folksy punk rock attitude that is high-paced, energetic, fun.

This song is off their upcoming debut record This City Isn’t Big Enough out today. The band will be hitting the road in support of the new album and will be playing dates in Philadelphia and Trenton, NJ (see more dates below).

What’s special about this band is not just their rocking punk folk tunes, it’s their commitment to give back to their community. Lead singer, April Hartman and the band have created a non-profit called Second Chance to Play based in Lancaster. The organization collects, fixes up, and donates instruments to people that are in recovery from drug addiction and to rehab centers and related facilities to help ensure that everyone has the opportunity to heal through music. The band also works to establish and maintain safe spaces for open mics and concerts in drug and alcohol free venues. This is a start-up organization that me and my other band mate are establishing from scratch, to help fill a need that we have found in both the recovery and music communities. The band has plans to expand Second Chance to Play, is also based

Listen below and for more information check out their official website and Facebook page along with their non-profit Second Chance to Play.

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