Win A Copy of “These Magnificent Miles: On The Long Road With Red Wanting Blue” Documentary DVD

Win a copy of “These Magnificent Miles: On The Long Road With Red Wanting Blue” indie documentary by filmmaker Ken Davenport.

Red Wanting Blue is one of the top unsigned bands in the country. They’ve got thousands of fans and have played thousands of shows. But they’ve never had a record deal. And they’ve also never given up.

In These Magnificent Miles: On The Long Road With Red Wanting Blue, Director Ken Davenport follows “the hardest working rock band in America” (Scott Terry, Greg Rahm, Mark McCullough, Eric Hall, Eddie Davis and Dean Anshutz) as they record their eighth self-These Magnificent Miles: On the Long Road With Red Wanting Blue produced album and hit the road in search of the rock and roll dream they’ve had since they were kids.

Will this new album be the one? Or will this finally be the end of the beloved band that has been trying to make it for more than 14 years?

Featuring interviews with OAR and past members of Red Wanting Blue, plus never-before-seen concert footage of Red Wanting Blue! Includes Red Wanting Blue’s top songs like “Where You Wanna Go,” “Vegas,” “Probably Nothing,” “Gravity,” and “Finger In The Air.”

Starring Scott Terry (Vocals, Tenor Guitar, Ukulele); Mark McCullough (Bass, Chapman Stick, Vocals); Greg Rahm (Guitar, Keyboards, Vocals); Eric Hall (Guitar, Lap Steel, Vocals); Eddie Davis (Drums & Percussion); and Dean Anshutz (Drums & Percussion).

The DVD is available for $19.99 on or you can win a copy from Eat Sleep Breathe Music!

Just watch the trailer below and enter a comment below about why you would love to have this DVD and a winner will be drawn by random on Monday, April 4th, 2011. The winner will be connected via email.

9 thoughts on “Win A Copy of “These Magnificent Miles: On The Long Road With Red Wanting Blue” Documentary DVD”

  1. I have been a fan from the beginnig. From the Original members back when Epp , Rodney , Ryan and Scotty were THE BAND… CD 101’s Andy Man would host at CHelsies and the floor would nearly fall through.. Long LIVE Ohio Rock Bands.. RWB has a LIFE of its own and will LIVE forever.. They are always great and getting better every day… Love ya guys…
    Miss ya.. come to South Carolina.. all I have are CDs

    Mollie Bevinger (Lancaster, Ohio originally) Beaufort, SC

  2. I have been a fan for over ten years. I remember first seeing them live in BG, Scott with his drawn on mustache and have loved them ever since. I love their music. I know all the words to their songs except for the new album. The music never gets old and there is a song for everyone. The lyrics are fantastic. I would love to have this DVD

  3. Three and a half years ago, as a sophomore at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, a good friend of mine asked me to go to a show with him at a local uptown bar called the Blue Gator. I’d seen signs advertising the show around campus every once and a while my first year or so, and I had nothing better to do, so I asked my roommate for his fake ID, got dressed, and headed up with him. Twenty-one shows later in five different cities, I’ve become one of the biggest R-Dub fans out there. My experiences at RWB’s shows, and those of my friends who I’ve since made RWB fanatics, have included losing our voices, hyperextending my arm with too forceful of a middle finger thrown into the air; knocking over mic stands; a friend’s mom called up on stage; screaming “ARE YOU LISTENIIIING” at the end of shows over and over and over; and personal appearances in an estimated hundreds of RWB’s YouTube videos online. I find that Red Wanting Blue’s lyrics come up in daily conversation (most recently telling a friend asking me about taxes that “heaven’s a place for only those who pay their bills on time”). “The Band” has helped me understand the person I want to be. “Pride Is a Lonely Blanket” always brings me back up at the end of a rough day. And “Borderline” is what about 15 of my friends and I sang at the top of our lungs with arms wrapped around each other when we met back up in Columbus, Ohio, for Thanksgiving for the first time after going our separate ways after college. I currently live in Arkansas, find it very difficult to get time off to travel to a site where RWB is playing, and have officially gone the longest I’ve ever gone without seeing them play live. I’d say the documentary would be quite the consolation prize (not to mention I want to play Where’s Waldo for myself). To this day, at every RWB show I’ve ever gone to, I still call that friend whenever “You’re My Las Vegas” comes on to say thanks for introducing me to one of my favorite bands of all time. It’ll probably be quite some time before I’ll be able to make my destination, Columbus to make that traditional phone call again. But I’d love the documentary to hold me over until then!

  4. I would absolutely LOVE to own a copy of this DVD!! Red Wanting Blue has truly revolutionized the way I listen to music. They are true blooded Americans who put on a truly incredible show night in and night out. Their witty and smart lyrics along with rich sound make them easy to fall in love with.
    As a poor college student, I can’t afford to buy their documentary but it would mean the world to me to have a piece of my favorite band 🙂

  5. Music is something thats special. its even more so when its created by such great people. down to earth and fun guys. this is the music that needs to be played over and over on the radio.. not the stuff thats going on right now.. Ive spread the RWB word everywhere i go… exposing their great music, this dvd would only help me in spreading the great music word!!

  6. Pingback: Review: Red Wanting Blue – The Movie, You Might Cry…

  7. Amazing band! Amazing concerts and even better human beings! I would give my copy to someone who could not afford it to make another fan. I already have my own!!!

  8. I’d love to win a copy of this DVD because, honestly, what fan wouldn’t love to spend a day or two on the road with their favorite band? From the trailer, it really seems like this documentary pays tribute to the hard work and dedication these very personable guys have put into creating an experience for their fans. Even if I don’t win, I can’t wait to check it out!

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