The White White Lights: So Nice They Named It Twice

The first moments of The White White Lights’ debut EP, Medium Head Boy, sound like a crunchier version of something French pop-rockers, Air, would put out. The opening synth sequence of “Space Invaders” sounds like it came straight off the intergalactic duo’s latest album, Love 2. But then something happens.

Jenny Gacy’s bit-crushed post-punk vocals come in, and the music is totally transformed. Her intensity and emotion brings the album closer to something emo than spacey-electro pop, for better or worse. The funny thing is, she’s singing about space invaders. Gacy’s lyrics about organ-donating body snatchers, coupled with a driving drum and bass core and layers of scratchy guitars actually makes for a fun track of post-punk emotion.

Throughout the album The White White Lights build a unique sound, but keep you interested by taking it in different directions. “It’s Cold Here In Japan” takes a deep breath and relaxes, allowing the band to display their excellent musicianship through experimentation on multiple instruments, culminating in really chill track with a Far East vibe.

“Evangeline” displays the quartets precision and skill with a transfixing stop and go rhythm that puts you in a daze with lush sound effects mixed to the back all throughout. This track really shows their craftiness in song structure and arrangement, a skill set that separates them from a crowd that is too often clogged with ready-made tracks for a finite audience.

Overall, the album is a driving post-punk party, which if you like the type of music you will definitely really like. What’s really intriguing is that despite the raw emotion and intensity that comes through in the music, their craft is never lost and you can tell their head is in the game. Cheers.

For more information on the band check out and get their album now on

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