
A music connoisseur, I’ve pretty much sipped and tasted every glass I could...but I'm still thirsty. Hailing from the fist pumping capitol, I take pride in straying away from the poof's and HGH to venture out for more expressive and creative outlets to quench my thirst. Ever since I heard Pink Floyd and ZZ Top on vinyl when I was a kid from my father's vintage record player, I've been hooked on listening to music. Then, when I picked up his 75' Les Paul, I made it a mission to learn to play music. Eventually, he dropped me off at my first concert at Birch Hill, and I soon became engrossed in live music. Since then, I could not find a better hobby that enthralls me as much as music does.

Purchase Your Ticket Now For The Circus: The Venetia Fair’s New Album Released On Vinyl

And it’s happening. The Venetia Fair, the eight ball-bred, mescaline fed circus of musicians, has come out with their Kickstarter-funded album on 12” vinyl. Every Sick, Disgusting Thought We’ve Got In Our Brain was released through guitarist Mike Abiuso’s record company, SwitchBitch Records, with only a limited printing of 250-uniquely-color-spilled records for you to get your

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