Warning some lyrics are not suitable for all audiences. Discretion is advised
Today on the podcast we are featuring the Boorloo/Perth electro pop artist Grace Sanders. Learn more about her and listen to her track “Attachment Theory.”
Show Notes and Transcript
Hey everyone welcome to the Eat Sleep Breathe Music podcast. I am your host Jeanette Kimszal. For those of you just joining us, this is the podcast where I talk about different musicians and how their music affects me and then play a track for you to listen to.
So you can check it out and form your own opinion as well. And I’d love to know what you think of the track if you’re so inclined. And I’ll have details where you can tell me if you want to share your opinion at the end of this show.
So today I’m chatting about Grace Sanders who is a singer-songwriter artist from Perth, Australia which is also referred to as Boorloo according to her biography.
And this was an artist that was kind of new to me. I had not heard of her but she has been around for quite a while.
Just doing some digging around on the internet I found that her first song was released back in 2017.
And that was called “Impress Me.” It seemed to have a Jazzy feel from what I gathered listening to the song and then reading different reviews and things about her music online.
And she was very well-received even from the beginning and it is no wonder because listening to this track that I am gonna play later for you today.
This is one of the couple first songs that I had heard from her. I had heard another song but I wanted to feature this song becuase this is a newer track.
It came out around mid-September and she actually
has an album following up at the end of October so I thought this would be more of a timely song to promote and that is why I’m chatting about this track “Attachment Theory” today.
So I didn’t know too much about Grace Sanders. I was looking into her background. I got a bio on her. Her bio on Youtube also said that she combines elements of jazz/folk/soul and classic rock stylings to create her own original and authentic sound.
And as I said this first track the “Impress Me” that was back in 2017 did kind of have that jazzy rock classic vibe to it,.
While her newer songs are somewhat of a departure from that sound. At least in my opinion you know, the two tracks she put out earlier this year and the track that I’m going to be featuring later “Attachment Theory.”
They sound a little bit different. They kind of focus more on like electronica. There’s a pop element to it. It also has like some bass lines, some R&B grooves, some psychelica.
And this is not a bad thing. If anything it shows how she has variation and creativity as an artist. I like the diversity in her music and how even these three new songs are similar yet different.
They all have the electronic piece going for them which makes them kind of all similar. And then you have these three tracks and they all have different tempos and basslines to them.
And you start with like the song “Nothing” which is a slow electronic tempo-ed track with these soothing grooves.
Then you have “Anymore” which is the opposite and has high dance worthy baselines that would be the dichotomy to “Nothing’s” low-tempo sound.
I would say that “Attachment Theory” is kind of in the middle tempo wise. It’s not a super fast track but it’s not a super slow track either. It has this in-between tempo that could be danced to or enjoyed while sitting and listening to music in your room.
The song opens with these slow tempo guitars with a hint of vocal harmonies that hit the listener at least that’s what I hear when I listen. And it just melds together so beautifully and it keep you listening.
Then at 20 seconds Grace Sanders comes in with her heart warming vocals crooning about reminscening about this lost relationship.
“Attachment Theory” reminds me a little bit of the song “Violent” by Carolesdaugher. The guitars are a little similar and it also has a very earnest story telling that really evokes all this emotion in the listener and just keeps you on the hook of what’s to come next.
The story is different but it has this compelling lyricism that makes you want to listen closely. So you can hear what’s to come next.
The song was a collaboration between Sanders’ and Ezekekiel Padmanabham. Together they have created a really special song.
Not only does it have a really interesting and dynamic sound. It also has this very meaningful lyrics.
And the whole song was kind of built around a popular psychological topic that the song’s title was derived from.
Known as “Attachment Theory” this theory has been trending on TikTok and has been quite the hot topic of conversation.
It explores how relationships formed during childhood with giving and receiving love inform our relationships with others as we continue to grow older, in a kind of ripple effect.
I was curious to learn more about this and so I did a little research and found an article on VeryWell Mind that talked about that theory.
According to the article this theory focuses on bonds, particularly long-term bonds beteween peopel such as a parent and child or between romantic partners.
Research in the article also suggests that failure to form secure attachments early in life can have a negative impact on behavior in later childhood and throughout life
The article said there were 4 types of attachment styles: ambivalent attachment, avoidant attachment, disorganized attachment, and secure attachment.
Ambivalent attachment is when children become very distressed when a parent leaves. Ambivalent attachment style is considered uncommon, affecting an estimated 7% to 15% of U.S. children. It is usually a result of poor parental availability, these children cannot depend on their primary caregiver to be there when they need them.
Children with an avoidant attachment tend to avoid parents or caregivers, showing no preference between a caregiver and a complete stranger. This attachment style might be a result of abusive or neglectful caregivers. Children who are punished for relying on a caregiver will learn to avoid seeking help in the future.
Disorganized attachment is when children display a confusing mix of behavior, seeming disoriented, dazed, or confused. They may avoid or resist the parent. Lack of a clear attachment pattern is likely linked to inconsistent caregiver behavior. In such cases, parents may serve as both a source of comfort and fear, leading to disorganized behavior.
Secure attachment is when children who can depend on their caregivers show distress when separated and joy when reunited. Although the child may be upset, they feel assured that the caregiver will return. When frightened, children with secure attachment will be comfortable seeking reassurance from caregivers. This is the most common attachment style.
Children who are securely attached as infants tend to develop stronger self-esteem and better self-reliance as they grow older. These children also tend to be more independent, perform better in school, have successful social relationships, and experience less depression and anxiety.
I didn’t do a ton of research and dive deep into the the topic or conversations that are being had around attachment theory. I was afraid of falling down an internet hole and not going off on some tangent that might not really serve a purpose for means of reviewing this track.
I do think this is an interesting topic and I would like to explore it further to learn if anything that happened to me early on may have caused my idiosyncrasies around being such an introvert and having anxiety.
It would be cool to know if I am the way I am today because of something that happened in the past.
Grace has used this as a point of reference song saying that, “The way our relationships and breakups in adulthood can mirror some of those early experiences and become an avenue for reflecting on the version of ‘self’ we become in the context of ‘others’.”
So whatever our attachments were in childhood may have a bearing on our relationships in the present.
Somtimes delving into the past can be not the best thing but it can help us understand. And also how we see ourselves and not only how we see oursleves but how others see us kind of see us.
So it’s all kind of tangled up. It’s a very interesting theory to mull over and think about.
Just going back to the song’s lyrics. I want to note that it’s quite poignant, it’s very entertaining and funny. In the song it talks about how even a new relationship can be affected by past ones. She goes on to say
Nights still get me heavy, I don’t know why /Someone new, holds me through, still don’t feel /Quite as good as you
It’s like there is this lingering emotional hold from other relationships and could it be due to past experiences.
Alternatively, there is also this thought that it could be just the good sex. The end of the song she has this really whimsical humor. It goes
Honestly, Honestly, Honestly /I think I’m just missing the dick (missing the dick) /Message ya on the rebound
So it’s like when this realationship she’s not really feeling is over she’s gonna go back to that other maybe because you know they had good dick (laughing).
So it’s interesting too becuase then the line after that kind of goes
Zenith to abyss It’s always like this /Sadness can birth bliss /Gravity brings you back down
This pairing of lyrics shows how the relationship might not work on physical attraction alone. Since zenith is powerful and abyss is dismal and despair it shows things going from good to bad. But then sadness can birth bliss shows good things can come from sorrow. But then at the end is shows the end result may not be a healthy relationship becuase in reality the truth comes out and it may not be thebest situation to be in.
“Attachment Theory” offers a lot to the listener both musically and lyricall.
It’s no wonder Grace has been getting love from the blogosphere. She has had write ups and interviews in outlets including Milky Milky Milky, AmpNPlify, Triple J Unearthed, The Partae, AAA Backstage, Names Mag, Out Now Magazine, Scenestr, Hipland, Pilerats, ToneDeaf, GCLive, Rawing in the Pit Media, Sound Doctrine, NME, Cool Accidents, Acid Stag, and Record the Resonance to name a few.
And I’ll leave links to these in the show notes if you wanna check out these other features.
“Attachment Theory” off her ‘Nothing Is Personal’ EP due out October 28th.
Her music is streaming across various platforms including Spotify, Amazon, Soundcloud and Bandcamp in case you are interested in listening to some of her other tracks I can leave links to these in the show notes.
Now with out further ado here is “Attachment Theory” by Grace Sanders.
We would love to know what you think about INSERT ARTIST’S NAME HERE and INSERT ARTIST PRONOUN HERE track “INSERT ARTIST TRACK NAME HERE.” You can tell us in a comment on the podcast webpage. You can also leave an audio comment at the link in the episode summary.
If you’re looking for more information on Grace Sanders you can check out her bandcamp page GraceSanders dot bandcamp.com. That is G-R-A-C-E-S-A-N-D-E-R-S dot B-A-N-D-C-A-M-P dot com.
You can also like and follow her on Facebook and Instagram at the handle GraceIsSanders. That is G-R-A-C-E-I-S-A-N-D-E-R-S
She is also on TikTok at the handle GraceIIISanders. That is G-R-A-C-E Then 3 i’s then S-A-N-D-E-R-S
I will also leave links to these in the show notes if you want to check them out.
If you are looking for more new music be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you will get the latest updates on our artist features. You can also find more music features on our website at www.EatSleepBreatheMusic.com. That is E-a-t-S-l-e-e-p-B-r-e-a-t-h-e-M-u-s-i-c dot com.
Thanks for listening and see you in the next episode!
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