Song of the Day: “HOME” by Harris Mac

Song of the Day: "HOME" by Harris Mac | Eat Sleep Breathe Music
Today’s song is “HOME” by Harris Mac. Hailing from small-town Massachusetts, Harris Mac began writing music at age 11 and obsessively experimenting with sound design on an 8-track thus developing the foundation for his distinctive multi-genre songwriting and production.

After studying at Pyramind in San Francisco, Harris motorcycled cross country to Brooklyn and continues to create daily. He has developed both his catalog and reputation by collaborating with artists like Cathedrals and Von Sell.

Currently, he runs his own production operation out of his studio in Bushwick. Drawing on diverse influences such as The Beatles, Kanye West, and Radiohead, he fuses together a multitude of styles and genres, thinking himself less a “genre-specific” artist and more an artist based on the concept that art is a rugged adventure through alien terrain and one should embrace flaws, experiment and innovate.

Harris’s personal vision for art is to create beauty that disrupts the quotidian routine and societal conventions we all abide by. “I like to think that my music shows my very very deep connection to music and art. I want to live the music and the adventure, and embody it in all aspects of my life.”

“Home” has a fabulous synth sound showcasing hip-hop beats with emotive lyrics that create a sexy cool vibe. You will be digging this track with just a few notes.

Listen below and for more information check out his official website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.

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