Today’s song is “Numbers” by Kaptan. Known as Andrew de Torres, the Nashville singer-songwriter has embarked on his own solo project.
His music is a well intricated mixture of shimmering piano melodies with indie pop rhythms.
This combined with his emotionally direct lyrics makes for a snappy and enticing track.
Kaptan says, “I was sitting inside my bass player’s (Brandon Day) studio and he was showing me a ton of different tracks that he had been working on for fun. Normally when we write together we always start from scratch but he ended up playing a small clip of something he had started and I fell in love immediately. We sat down to write the song and knew that we wanted to do something different from everything else that we had worked on together. The song is really just about feeling like your trapped in limbo and wondering whether or not there are things from the past that can help you in the future. We often find ourselves in relationships that are starting to fall apart and until it finally ends its hard to know where you stand or what will happen.”
Listen below and for more information check out his official website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.