Today’s song is “Electric Mirror” By Krysle Lip.
According to Lip the song is “an ode to current world of appearances, in which we are bathed since our childhood. Social media has made society and more specifically, women, feel abnormal, and unattractive due to the standards that media has imposed. ‘Electric Mirror’ is the mirror within the device which invites this obsession for the ‘selfie’ and ‘instant gratification’ generation.”
While The Producer, songwriter, and performer has not been able to classify his music, he cites influences ranging from David Bowie, Stevie Nicks, and Jim Morrison to Nirvana, Radiohead, and Bjork.
He has a unique sound fusing eclectic instruments to make for a dramatic and ominous track. It has a inviting flair that entices the listener leaving them intrigued and sad at the same time. It’s music for those longing for something more.
This song is off his His debut studio album, INTRAVENOUS THERAPY, which will be available in the spring of 2016.
Listen below and for more information check out his official website and Facebook page.