Rocking Under the Radar: Christina Rubino

Singer/Songwriter Christina Rubino holding a guitar | Eat Sleep Breathe Music
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Who are They? Christina Rubino. A Brooklyn native and musician known for her guitar playing and lead vocals in groups Snacp Dragaon & Petticoat, Violator (a NYC Depeche Mode cover band), and Josephine. After taking a hiatus from music she returned to the studio in collaboration with friend and fellow singer/songwriter, Francine Bianco (White) as one half of the folk duo, Ruby and White.

Midway into recording a 5- Song EP, Bianco left to pursue a post-graduate degree. Rather than scrap the project altogether, Rubino decided to lay down intense and personal songs that she composed before and after her abrupt departure from the music scene. From there her first full-length solo album, Alive from the Scrapheap was born. It was released this past January.

When Did She Start? 2013

Why Should You Care? Christina Rubino is a powerful songstress. Her music is the heart of Americana. She has a country twang with an indie rock appeal that is further extenuated by her beautiful and intense vocal abilities. Her music tugs at the heartstrings with her emotional darkness.

How do they sound?
“The Gateway”

“Nothing to Gain”

For more information on Christina Rubino check out her official website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.

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