Today’s song is “Bad Habits and the Sunshine State” by Before You. Before You is an American pop punk band comprised of Philip Arena, Bret Pusateri, Jason Capela, and Jed Dixon. Based in Pittsburgh, the band is built with musicians who are all veterans to the local music scene; having spent time in various other bands before coming together as who they are today in 2011.
As individuals, the band spent time graduating with music degrees & classical training, as well as contributing to music education and regional & national touring in past bands. The band has now come together with the common knowledge that Before You is the best thing that’s happened to them in all their time spent songwriting.
The band has grown its fan base in Pittsburgh by playing shows with Anarbor, Conditions, Punchline, Hidden In Plain View, Days Away, Valencia, The Matches, Hellogoodbye, Hawthorne Heights, The Bigger Lights, For The Foxes, and The Scenic.
This is the newest single from the Pittsburgh pop-punk act out today! This track is off their latest release Meet Me At Whisper Lake, a 5-song EP that dropped last February.
Before you has a sound that is the epitome of what pop punk should be. From the punching bass lines and the jarring guitars to the emotive lyricism, listening to this music puts a smile on my face.
Listen below and for more information on Before You check out their official website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.