Indie electric duo Ugly Kids Club recently released a video for their upcoming single “Sharpshooter.”Fans can now download the release on iTunes. In addition, the duo is releasing an official music video for the song and is on track to release one deluxe single with a video every month for the next six months. The group’s first self-titled EP was released earlier this year to an excited and receptive group of fans and music reviewers. Now back with a vengeance, the talented two are ready to serve fans up with what they’ve been cooking up lately.
Based out of Nashville, TN, Ugly Kids Club is made up of trendsetter and part-time model, Aliegh Shields and GRAMMY-nominated producer, Steve Wilson. The fireball twosome met in 2011 after discovering their shared love of minimalistic rock duos like Sleigh Bells, Crystal Castles, and The Kills; huge influences to them both. UKC use their musical influences, including The Police and Nirvana, to create a unique, electrifying sound all their own. Ignoring rules and guidelines of musical genres, UKC mixes gritty, fuzzy synths with Aliegh’s solid and soulful vocal chops for a climactic musical experience. Dedicated to achieve that sophisticated and simple sound they love, Aliegh and Steve are both songwriters and have been involved in music from an early age; Aliegh sang on stage in church and school, while Steve studied classical musical formally and also played in different bands.
Watch below and for more information on Ugly Kids Club check out their official website.
Sharpshooter from Ugly Kids Club on Vimeo.