The Ugly Club – You Belong To The Minutes

Kickstarter is revolutionizing the way in which projects and dreams become reality, and for Jersey’s own The Ugly Club, Kickstarter offered them the chance to finally release their debut full length album. The band launched its funding campaign on February, and by March the goal of $6,000 to master, press, and publicize a record they say was one year in the making was reached.

You Belong To The Minutes is the product of months of hard work for the Ugly Club, and starts off with a bang in track “David Foster Wallace,” where the dark and tumultuous beginning gives way to the groove provided by Ryan Egan’s vocals. All of the different aspects of the quintet come together to form a pop inspired sound, that mixes with indie-rock, a bit of psychedelia and electronic funk to create colorful music.

The themes of love, life and youth in the Ugly Club’s lyrics are not exactly groundbreaking, but the way in which the lyrics are paired with the music shows that these guys are trendsetters. While every song is distinctly different, the album still holds together and shows that The Ugly Club is not one for boundaries as they experiment with an assortment of sounds while still maintaining their rich signature sound. It is in tracks like “Under The Great Wave,” “Lets Sleep Around” and “The Mountain” that we can hear the different musical inspirations of the band, and also why the Ugly Club’s hard work, passion and persistence is finally paying off.

For more information on The Ugly Club check out their official website, Bandcamp, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Get their album You Belong To The Minutes now on iTunes and at Vintage Vinyl in Fords, NJ.

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