Holy Ghost Go Out on The Road for their Headline Tour

Holy Ghost Go Out on The Road for their Headline Tour

Holy Ghost! will be hitting the road for the next few months in support of their recent self-titled release. The band will be joined on tour with Jessica 6 and Eli Escobar. A select handful of dates are below and there are more to be announced soon.

To start the festivities they are sharing their track “Some Children” featuring the lord of Yacht Rock, Mr. Michael McDonald. Listen below and to get your own copy of the track all you have to is give up your email address or “like” them on Facebook. The song also has a cool accompanying video illustrated by Adam Fuchs that was created in collaboration with Adult Swim.

Brother of drummer Jerry Fuchs, Adam is part of the DFA extended family and was thrilled to make the video. Fuchs explains that he, Nick and Alex “have been talking about doing an animated video for a while now. When I first heard the beginning of “Some Children” I knew right away I wanted to do imagery going in and out of clouds. The song has a great ‘holy’ feel to it, and it felt right to go in that direction. I really wanted to play off of Michael McDonald’s voice and have an image that would represent him as God, but also not be taken so literally. The Adult Swim thing came about, because Nick and Alex are big fans, and wanted to be involved in some way. I approached my bros at Adult Swim with the concept I had, and they loved it.”

This summer Holy Ghost! will also be playing on the Identity Festival Tour, which kicks off on August 11th and features artist as diverse as Booka Shade, Skrillex, Modeselektor and DJ Shadow. For the full list of cites and dates, and all other info please check out Identity Festival’s site.

For more information on Holy Ghost! check out their official website and Facebook page.

Holy Ghost! Headlining Tour
October 30 – Orono, ME @ University of Maine
October 31 – Montreal @ Belmount on the Blvd.
November 1 – Toronto @ 69 Bathurst
November 4 – Cleveland, OH @ Grog Shop
November 5 – Chicago, IL @ Double Dour
November 8 – Vancouver @ Fortune Club
November 12 – Mexico City @ One Music Festival (DJ Set)
November 17 – Austin, TX @ The Parish
November 19 – New Orleans @ The Parish at House of Blues

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