After hearing the first note of “Red Roses” by Lovebettie I was hooked. It reminded me of when I was in college, listening to oldies music while doing my homework or getting ready to go out. Lovebetties’ Red Door EP sounds like it came out of a combination of music influences rolled into one – 1920’s swing, 1950’s rock and roll and sultry blues fusion with yet a modernized sound fitting within today’s current musical styles. The album’s catchy lyrics and melodies will have people of all ages singing and dancing along.
The stand out song on the EP album is “Red Roses” with its catchy and upbeat melodies which are showcased through the vocals, guitar, bass, keyboard, and drums. The songs meaning is simple yet so elegant. Red roses were bought as an act of an apology asking for forgiveness for something that was thought was done since a situation looked bad but was not the true story.
Lovebettie band formed in early 2005 with the duo songwriting team, Alexandra Naples and C.T. Fields. Dan Mulkeens and Larry Shotter joined the band later on to complete the band’s sound. If their live performances are as good as their EP they will soon be headlining at big arenas.
For more information check out their band’s official website, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Get the Red Door now on iTunes!