The Robotanists third album, Plans in Progress, is full of soulful melodies and soothing vocals. From beginning to end the listener is transported into a relaxing state of zen, memorized by singer Sarah DeBlanke’s vocals. The songs effortless blend together so that there isn’t a moment for the listener to jolt back to reality.
The indie band has successfully joined the keyboard, an instrument that doesn’t get enough use in modern-day music, along side the typical line-up of guitar, bass and drums. The result is a sound that is as unique as the band themselves.
Though the album may be short, it gives the you just enough to leave you satisfied. The soothing nature of Plans in Progress is much welcomed in the chaotic world we live in today.
For more information on The Robotanists check out their official website, MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter pages. Get their album Plans In Progress now on iTunes!
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