Today’s song is “Blood In My Eyes” by Atari Teenage Riot. This is the second ATR single from Is This Hyperreal?, which is due this summer on Dim Mak. “Blood In My Eyes” features Nic Endo on lead vocal. She speaks out for the multitude of women who have become the victims of human trafficking, their sexuality exploited for financial gain right under the gaze of the ineffectual governments of the self-proclaimed civilized west.
Human trafficking is an issue most musicians would rather leave untouched. In popular music it’s considered cool to present yourself with the accoutrements of modern life like expensive cars, bling, champagne etc. Basically everything that makes people feel envy and adulation towards the artists who try to portray an image of being ‘successful’, while the music industry is close to collapse – but that’s another song on to be addressed on ATR’s new album. Nic expounds a cautionary tale, alerting us that all who stand by and do nothing share the guilt.
Not only does this band explode some awesome audio with their heart pounding techno drum rock, they have a heart wrenching message to sing about educating and reaching out to the world.
Listen below and for more information on Atari Teenage Riot check out their official website, Facebook, and Twitter page.