'Cheap Sunglasses' Has Value

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“I don’t know what they say anymore, I can’t hear them talk, but they will talk anyway.”

And so Status Green kicks-off their latest album, Cheap Sunglasses. The band may not care about what their critics have to say, but they have given their critics something to talk about. The new album, released Feb. 20 at none other than The Stone Pony, stays true to the New Jersey scene and pop-rock genre. Each song offers a catchy beat that may be simple, but the energy put behind the music is not. The lyrics are fun and catchy, backed by charismatic vocals. It would be difficult to listen to Cheap Sunglasses without bouncing your head, humming along, and dancing down the street.

For those who aren’t completely sold by the pop-rock scene, Cheap Sunglasses offers reasons to listen, anyway. “Big Debut” motivates, so there is no surprise it’s been played during halftime at the New York Giants home games. Meanwhile, “Heaven I Think” lets listeners feel what front man Lou Montesano is saying with simple, straightforward lyrics and a more mellow (in relative terms, of course!) harmony. The music of “Juggling Knives” is the album’s most creative, and is most likely to interest listeners outside of the band’s genre. And the next time you are headed to the Big Apple, looking for adventure with your lover’s hand in yours, be sure to throw on “Holland Tunnel.”

Status Green is currently touring in the Southwest, but returns home to the Garden State at the end of April. Get Cheap Sunglasses now on Status Green!

8 thoughts on “'Cheap Sunglasses' Has Value”

  1. I found this article well written and very informative. I will access this website again for more local band info.

  2. Hello?? You forgot the two best tracks, Denver After Dawn and Sting My Heart! Also they are back now and playing tomorrow night but it’s a secret and I probably should not have told you this. Is anyone listening??

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