Transcending Musical Boundaries, Dan Black Style


“Life is life, dreams are dreams, and I’m floating somewhere in between.” These lyrics to UK-based Dan Blacks song “Life Slash Dreams” sum up a lot of what his album UN is all about. Dive headfirst into a world where you no longer hear beats and rhythms, you feel them. Each song combines a killer beat with a voice and electronic background in a rock, rap, punk, electronic, funk, mutant genre that breaks musical convention as soon as it hits your ears. In “Symphonies” the main single, he teams up with rap artist Kid Cudi to add some American appeal. However, tracks like “Wonder” and “Poets” combine a musician’s skill and a philosopher’s charm that makes them favorites on the album.

A musical hybridist, Black throws different styles together and sees what sticks, creating a truly unique artistic style. Songs like “I Love Life” and “Yours” pick you up and toss you around with fast tempo and upbeat lyrics. Others, like “Let Go” and “Cocoon” give off a chill vibe that make you close your eyes and lose yourself in a world of Black. And what a wild world, Black features instruments such as two string guitars and a table in his solo debut album. A literal one man band and producer, Black takes you into his artistic soul in UN, leaving you relaxed, inspired, and entertained. Give in to the original sound of Dan Black and I assure you, you’ll be floating in no time.

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