NewBandDaily is a website that launched earlier this year. They offer a unique feature where subscribers get a free MP3 download via email everyday. The majority of their subscribers range in the age of 18 – 34 and are located in the USA, Canada, and the UK. They have registered users in more than 20 different countries.
Here at Eat Sleep Breathe Music we thought that this could be a great way for unsigned and indie artists to promote their music, so we reached out to Santiago Vega, the Founder & CEO, to get some more details on NewBandDaily.
ESBM: When did you start NewBandDaily?
Vega: We initially launched in April 2009 and were live for about 3 weeks. At that time we had a network of international music correspondents that advised us on which independent artists were buzzing locally and that we should feature. We didn’t offer free MP3s at that time. Then, we re-launched September 29, this time offering one free MP3 of every music artist that we feature.
ESBM: Why did you start NewBandDaily?
Vega: I started NewBandDaily out of frustration as a consumer of independent music. As all other music lovers who enjoy independent music (signed or unsigned artists), I had to spend a considerable amount of time browsing through literally several dozen of online and print publications just to find new acts, not to mention find good music that’s free and legal (nearly impossible!!). So the idea for NewBandDaily as an email-newsletter that delivered great new music artists and their music – 100% free and legal – directly into people’s email inboxes every single day in order to radically facilitate the new music discovery process and the free and legal ownership of music was born. That was the main motivation to start NewBandDaily, as a consumer, and then we started thinking about how to also better serve the independent music community. Not surprisingly, the more you better address and serve consumers’ needs, the better service you also provide to music artists. Both things go hand in hand.
ESBM: How do you help independent artists?
Vega: We help independent artists with what is without a doubt the most difficult thing for them to accomplish, no matter if they’re already signed or not: actually getting their music out there and heard by fans and industry people. Not only do we have music lovers/consumers of independent music signed up to our service, we also have A&R execs at major and independent labels, as well as promoters. So, artists reach exactly the people they want to reach and those who can help their careers (music fans from one part, and industry people on the other). And, since there’s no medium that’s more personal to the consumer as email and SMS, we help artists reach those people through the most engaging mediums. We’re already doing it through email, and we’ll start doing it through SMS in November.
ESBM: Do you only feature unsigned bands or do you feature indie record labels bands as well?
Vega: We feature signed and unsigned artists (if they’re signed, they have to be signed to an independent label). The majority of the artists we feature are already signed to a label.
Seems like a pretty cool service. It never hurts to promote your band anyway that you can.
For more information on NewBandDaily visit their website, fan them on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter.
To subscribe to the Free MP3 Newletter click here.
If you are an artist that wants to submit your music click here.
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