Adeltas Way’s kick off single, the power-rock anthem “Invincible,” has earned #1 Regional Heatseekers in this week’s Billboard and has climbed to top 10 on the Active Rock radio chart. “Invincible” has already been tagged as WWE Superstars theme song, been used for spots promoting the 2009 season of Monday Night Countdown on ESPN and will be used in the new WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2010 Video Game, which hits stores October 20. Since then, the single has been streamed nearly 300,000 times on Adelitas Way’s MySpace page.
Check out their first single “Invincible” below and get their self-titled album now on Amazon and
Adelitas Way | MySpace Music Videos and Amazon now!
“Invincible” Direct Link:
MySpace page and official website.
Adelitas Way – Invincible
Adelitas Way | MySpace Music Videos
“Invincible” Direct Link: