On Tuesday August 25th, Matisyahu launched the “One Day for Change” campaign with Kenneth Cole. This campaign is an online movement using YouTube and Twitter that encourages people to “share ideas to positively change their communities in one day.”
“One Day for Change” asks fans, as well as celebrities, websites, and musicians, to tweet their “ideas for change” using the #ondaychange.net hash tag. Matisyahu will re-tweet his favorites on his own Twitter (which now has over 720,000 followers) and award a signed copy of Light to one tweeter each day. Participants are also encouraged to upload videos expressing their ideas for change to the “One Day for Change” YouTube page between August 25th and September 18th.
On September 25th, a grand prize winner from the video uploads will be announced on OneDayChange.net. The site, built by Republic Project, features all of the video submissions, tweets, and exclusive content for the initiative and can be visited to view the latest entries. The winner will receive a Matisyahu branded camera provided by Flip Cam, and Matisyahu and Kenneth Cole will donate $5,000 towards the charity of the winning entrant’s choice. Other participants who upload videos will have a chance to win 1 of 4 Matisyahu branded cameras provided by Flip Cam.
“Consciousness and positivity spread like a wave.” Matisyahu explains, “It starts with one person doing one good thing and links like a chain, going from one positive thing to the next.”
Be part of the solution – tweet your ideas for “One Day for Change”.
Follow Matisyahu on Twitter @Matisyahu