OMG I’m Such a New Kids on the Block Groupie

This past weekend, we went down to the Borgata in Atlantic City, not to gamble but to try to get some face time with the New Kids on the Block. They were playing a show at the event center and were having an appearance at the club Mixx.

We got to the hotel at around 12pm and pulled into the parking garage. We did a walk around the building to scope out where the New Kids might be. To our delight, we saw the tour buses in the back by the loading docks. We noticed there were also a group of women with a “face time” sign. They had been only there for a few minutes and did not know where the Kids were.

As we were standing there waiting by the buses, we were all freaking out and really nervous. I was having heart palpitations and my hands were all clammy. It was really silly. There were roadies walking in and out of hte back entrance and we were trying to find out if they could give us any information.  We saw Crunchy Kevin and another roadie who was coming out and walking around on the phone. We had asked him if the New Kids were inside and he said he didn’t know but then turned around and nodded nonchalantly motioning that they were in fact inside. After awhile security came by and said that only employees of the hotel could be back there. So we decided to go inside and see if we could check in.

While waiting on line my sister spotted Danny with his kids walking in the hotel. My other sister and her friend Daniella stayed to check-in while we went and followed him. It was funny as we went on further through the hotel the group following him started to get bigger and bigger with enough room so it wasn’t too obvious that we were there. They were going to eat and before they went in, the body guard called out to Zach who was standing by the entrance of the event center. I grabbed my sister and told her to get his attention. He stared at her shirt and started walking away but casually kept turning around as my sister pried him for information. He was actually very helpful. He told us that all the guys were around the casino floor and that we could probably find them.

We ran into Zach again this time coming down from putting the luggage in our hotel room. He was staying on a floor close to ours. He was with some other roadie who was really hot. He checked out my sister’s face time t-shirtand looked intrigued. I just realized that I should have given him the business card with our number so maybe he could call us later to hang out. I tried to run back to the elevator but the security guard stopped me and like “room key?”  I should have just kept going and got on the elevator but I didn’t. I missed my chance. We sat in the lobby waiting to see if he would come down again, but we didn’t know how long to wait and since we were starving, we decided to grab a bite to eat.

After eating we walked around the casino one more time hoping to get a glimpse of either a New Kid or maybe bump into Zach. Unfortunately, this time he was on the phone and in his concert gear. If we had a chance maybe we could have asked him for Backstage passes, but he went up the escalator and that was the last we saw of him.

Feeling somewhat defeated we went up to our rooms to go and get eady for the club. Knowing that the entire table service was booked up we didn’t know if there would be a crazy line that we would have to wait on. We went down at PM and checked out the club. To our surprise there was no line. We kept checking every hour and surprising ly there was no line until like 9:30. We got behind 3 women who started the line. It was really annoying because they said they opened at 10 but didn’t let us in until 10:30. During this time I was carrying a sweater that I didn’t feel like holding. I was bored and figured that  I could wear it in a number of different ways. Around my shoulders, as a headband, across my chest, as a leg warmer, and then i just got fed up and threw it on the floor.

We got inside and realized that they would be placed in a small area on the second floor. Luckily even though we didn’t get bottle service we were able to stand by the steps and have a good view of the area. We waited until like AM and the next thing you knew Joey was walking into the VIP area with some women. I don’t know who they were but they seemed like friends. He started waiving to the crowd down stairs and I tried to get his attention then he waived to me.

As soon as people got wind of the fact that he was in there chaos ensued. Women were smashed up against the roped off area and the body guards were freaking out. I don’t know if it was because I was drunk or what but everything just happened so fast. Next thing I knew I was down the steps trying to make my way into the little area. It was not a possible task so I went back to the steps where I had a good view.

It was really insane. The bouncers were freaking out and they had no idea what they were in for. People have the same response to the New Kids as they did 15 years ago and its crazy. My sister went down by the steps and luckily she got to kiss Joe on the cheek. I grabbed him as he passed on the way to the bathroom. I was trying to get to talk to him on his way back but some girl jumped in the way and the next thing I knew Joe was like “OMG” apparently he knew the girl and brought her into the VIP area.

Next thing you knew they were gone. We left the club and ran out to where the tour buses were but unfortunately, they were gone.

Overall, the weekend was fun.

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