Weezer played Madison Square Garden last night. After going to see New Kids on the Block I was floored and tired, but being a big fan, I had prevailed to follow through.
The show opened (or at least by the time we had gotten there this was the first band that we had seen) with Angels and Airwaves. The group features former punk band Blink-182 and Boxcar Racer front man guitarist/vocalist Tom Delonge . I was a big fan of Blink back in the day and have the We Don’t Need to Whisper CD on my iPod. Although, I do like their work, I must say this is not a band to see live. It’s very mellow and almost put me to sleep. The songs all sound the same and were very lulling.
In between the set change, they had brought out a mini trampoline. I was interested in what they were going to do with it. It would have been cool if they had some intermission with jumping and then diving into the stage or into some kind of pit on stage, but to my dismay they did not do that at all. During the performance one of the guitarists just jumped on it while playing his guitar. That was cool but not as cool as I thought it would be.
The band came out wearing matching white jumpsuits which after playing the first song “My Name is Jonas” they disrobed to reveal matching red jumpsuits. They played a good mix of old and new music. There was even one song “Automatic” on the new Red album that I didn’t know was actually sung by one of the guitarists, Patrick Wilson. It actually makes sense now because when I was listening to the CD I thought to myself this doesn’t sound like Rivers Cuomo. They rocked out on a few numbers “King,” “Pork & Beans,” and “Hash Pipe.” At one point Tom Delonge came out and they did a duet. It was cool. The encore they did was very interesting. They had 30 music students come on stage with them and performed “Islands in the Sun” and “Beverly Hills” (Check out videos from the encore below). They closed with “Buddy Holly.” The hardest part is when a band has been around for as long as a time they have so many songs its hard to pick what they should sing. I felt there were a few more tunes from Pinkerton that should have been incorporated.
The overall show was okay but I must admit I wasn’t that impressed. It didn’t rock as hard i thought it would.