Today on the podcast we are featuring the Israel-based electronica artist Dylan Tauber. Learn more about him and listen to his track “I Love Carmen.”
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Just popping in to give you a heads up. This podcast contains paid promotional content. That means we were compensated for the feature. All opinions are our own and we only choose to represent music that we truly dig. No on with the show.
Hey everyone welcome to the Eat Sleep Breathe Music podcast. I am your host Jeanette Kimszal. For those of you just joining us this is the podcast where I talk about different musicians how their music affects me and then play there track for you to listen to.
So you can check it out and form your own opinion as well. And I’d love to know what you think of the track if you’re so inclined to do so.
We will have details at the end of the show where you can leave a comment and share your thoughts on this artist.
Today I am talking about Dylan Tauber. He is an award-winning electronic musician, cyberartist, photographer, and author who’s been making art and music for the past 25 years.
He has quite a prolific fellow and has been producing music, artwork, and writing since he began his career in 1996.
It started with the Double Mirrors anthology, which includes a book, photo slide shows, soundtrack, and companion website at
The double mirrors theory is reasoning for mankind’s inexhaustible quest for Truth/God/Love or whatever else one wishes to refer to our search for the infinite. Our minds have two Parallel Mirrors producing two illusions one that is the physical world. What our retinas are seeing and deliver a message to the brain telling use what we physically and visually see.
Then there is another mirror parallel to that and that mirror is our memories reflecting back on our existence analyzing self-perception from a distance.
It was likened to seeing, for example he said it was like a chimpanzee seeing a peanut. The chimp would just eat peanut. We as humans wouldn’t just eat the peanut. Instead, we would see the peanut and wondering why we are eating it and what the world would be like if it were not for the peanut, and how we should properly treat the peanut, etc..
So its, its interesting. He goes on to say “we construe notions of forever, immortality, the soul, god, and spirituality, etc. Once perceived, the illusion of infinity takes on a life of its own, and becomes a force infinitely more powerful than the mortal through which it was perceived. A computer can spit out 1’s and 0’s but only man can perceive God….Self reflection is what makes us human.”
So its, it’s a pretty interesting thing. According to information I have The Double Mirrors project is ongoing and evolving as Tauber continues to explore this cyber-spiritual revolution.
It’s quite an interesting read and gives insight into the spiritually found in his music.
I can leave a link to it in the show notes in case you wanna check it out.
That was kind of the first project he did and another interesting thing about him is that he is a nomad of sorts and has lived all over the world. Since graduating from Columbia back in 1996 he lived in NYC, Jerusalem, Miami, a remote island in the south western Pacific, and now he’s living in a kibbutz. I don’t know if I said that word right. It is K-I-B-B-U-T-Z in northern Israel and there he is Artist-in-Residence.
Yeah, I think also living in these different places may has influenced his music for sure but I would think that seeing all the different spirituality in all these places could be something that may influence his work.
In addition to his music and art pursuits he runs a network of 22 websites which have an online imaging / photo gallery, and a video archive. This network of websites very wide reaching and has been running since 1996.
But that was also something interesting about him.
The track I’m playing today is the title track off his 14th album release entitled I Love Carmen. It was release last month via his own label Song of Waves Studios.
When describng his music it seems to be referred to transcendental electronica. This was a new term for me so went to my friend Google to see if I could find some details about it and what it encompasses.
There was one entry that I found which was on Rate Your Music and I think…Rate Your Music seems to be a forum where people will post music and then other people will give artist suggestions based on that particular genre.
I don’t know too much about it. But just from glancing at it a little bit that is what I gathered.
The entry for transcendental electronica described it as a collection of different types of electronica music involving drone and ambient sounds. The music is supposed to be metaphysical and ephemeral feeling and be something that can transport you to another plane of existence.
I’m not sure is this is right definition for transcendental electronica but I would say this fits in where his music lies. It does have the ability to kind of take you out of your senses.
I also think it lies somewhere in the middle of being like a dance worthy, you know bumping tracks
does have the ability to take you out of your senses. It lies somewhere in the middle of being dance worthy but also not too heavy pumping beats where if you wanted to just listen to it and chill.
You know it has that…it has both ends of the spectrum. So it’s kind of like in the middle like a really fun song but then its also very chill and very relaxing and you know, very just soothing to the soul.
You know, overall, I think um him music has been described as ambient, electronica, incorporating trance music.
The song and album inspiration came from his girlfriend so it makes sense it there is a lot of love and like ethereal sounds to it. And just kind of like that emotional feeling.
The thing I like about this song is the opening to it. that it has these opening digital waves of sound. At least that is how it sounds to me. It has these do-do-du- I’m not singing that right but anyway.
It has these counter acting synth sounds that go back and forth a few times. Then it comes in with the drums that hit in heavy. Then after the drums hit heavy there is this warm sensitive vocals.
Then the beat continues to be progressive and softly thumping sound with the lyrics that go so well with it.
I was trying to find the lyrics online but I couldn’t and I’m not sure exactly what they are saying but I think it has something to do with “just hold on.” It was very love, emotional lovelorn lyrics kind of sounding.
It also has this soothing sound that is part dance beat but also part chill like I was talking about before. It’s music that you can just relax and chill out.
This song has a lot of versatility to it. I can hear it being pumped out of car stereo’s, on the beach, at the bar, or even listening to it just in the background while you do other things or just relax and chill..
So it’s got all these different ways you can listen. And I also think that listening to it in different settings gives it a different feel as well.
This can be the same for his other music as well. There is a lot of like spiritually and easiness to his music that makes the listener feel really at ease.
There is emotion and tenderness in the music as well as the lyrics. They are softer than typical dance vocals. Which is interesting and adds to the softness the relaxation of the music.
It gets the job done while not being too soft or slow for a dance song so its like soft but not so where it feels like a slow jam (laughing).
So its more. It still has that dance beat.
In regards to artists he’s compared I haven’t seen a lot of comparisons and I wonder if that is just because his music does seem different and the use of the spirituality and the things he is doing is kind of set him apart from electronic artists.
One review on Screen Legion had compared him to Dash Berlin or Armin van Buuren.
Then Spotify has this “fans of” section when you go to his page you see other things…other musicians who might be similar…in the similar vein of music.
A few of them included J-Enigma, Kevin Dambruch, Ralph Franco, and Martin T. Scudder.
And speaking of reviews and features he’s been getting a ton of features and press and just kind of blowing up the blogosphere with his musical talents and production skills. His musical efforts have been making a mark on things.
Tauber has has been featured in Celebmix, Indie Band Guru, Obscure Sound, Find No Enemy, Breaking & Entering, Broken 8 Records, Global Dance Electronic, Screen Legion, as I mentioned before, The Mouth Soap, Sleeping Bag Studios, Sound Looks, African Hype, Vents Magazine, Jam Sphere, IndieX Music, NOHO Arts District, TJPL News, and Indie Dock Music Blog.
With all that said and done now I will play the track for you to listen to. Perhaps it will please you enough and be a new addition to your 2022 summer playlist.
Without further ado here is “I Love Carmen” by Dylan Tauber.
We would love to know what you think about Dylan Tauber and his track “I Love Carmen.” You can tell us in a comment on the podcast webpage. You can also leave an audio comment at link in the episode summary.
For more information on Dylan Tauber check out his official website That is
You can also like and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
On Facebook his handle is Son of Waves Studios. That is S-O-N-O-F-W-A-V-E-S-S-T-U-D-I-O-S
You can find him on Twitter at Dylan underscore Tauber. That is D-Y-L-A-N UNDERSCORE T-A-U-B-E-R
Follow him on Instagram at Dylan Tauber Music. that is D-Y-L-A-N-T-A-U-B-E-R-M-U-S-I-C
If you are looking for more new music be sure to subscribe to our podcast so you will get the lastest updates on our artist features. You can also find more music features on our website at That is E-a-t-S-l-e-e-p-B-r-e-a-t-h-e-M-u-s-i-c dot com.
Thanks for listening and see you in the next episode!
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