Duane Forrest is a Toronto based artist who has a sound that will warm your heart.
His music is inspired by his own search for love in his hometown and around the world. Duane is quite a talented musician who has learned to play many instruments. His travels have landed him in Mexico, Honduras, and Puerto Rico.
“Hellblond” is set in the 1930s and is a story of a black man and a white woman. The video features the love that grows between these two people and the problems they have to deal with from a racist society.
Though this is an older track, the video is inspired by the book To Kill A Mockingbird and was released in a time of relative “peace.”
Forrest is featuring the video as a way to say something about the clear race issues still going on today and speak to the injustices as well.
Forrest just released the full music video for the song on his Instagram page saying “though the ending of this seemed shocking to some, but now it seems normal.”
At the end of the video, there is a beautiful quote by Cornel West that says “you can’t really move forward without moving back.”
The video has suspense and a sadness that is offset by its upbeat and sunny rhythms and lyrics. His message of love is delivered in a cordial embrace of soul, bossa nova, and jazz that is perfectly fuzed together.
Watch below and for more information on Duane Forrest check out his official website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Spotify pages.