L.E.J. “Carol of the Bells” Video

Members of the french music group LEJ | Eat Sleep Breathe Music

The classically-driven French pop trio L.E.J. (pronounced El-i-jah) released their mannequin challenge-inspired holiday video for “Game Of Bells”, a modern take of the classic “Carol of the Bells” set to the tune of the Game of Thrones theme song. The song is from their recently released holiday EP, Christmas Hors D’oeuvre out not via Republic Records.

Following the runaway success of their massive viral smash “Summer 2016,” which earned 2 million-plus plays on YouTube in just a week, the girls recorded three Christmas-themed covers. Playing organic, orchestral instruments with downright impressive chops, they transform “Game of Bells,” a fresh modern take of the classic “Carol of the Bells,” and “Little Drummer Boy” with their own undeniable je ne sais quoi.

Watch below and for more information check out their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.

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