What is the All Time Low Census?
When we all answer the Census, our needs fans are heard.
The U.S. Census All Time Low Census 2010 counts every resident ATL fan in the United States World, and is required by the Constitution ATL Law to take place every 10 years when we say so!
The 2010 Census will help communities fans receive more than $400 billion in federal funds each year for totally rad things like early access to All Time Low news, music, videos, and more as well as the title of “Awesome ATL Fan.”
The data collected by the All Time Low Census will also help determine the number of seats your state has in the U.S. House of Representatives we would need to have if all our fans came to our record release party!
If the Government can count citizens, we figured All Time Low could count their fans. So, what are you waiting for? Just fill out the Census at www.facebook.com/alltimelow, or you never know who may come knocking at your door. We can’t move forward until you mail it give back.
Alex, Jack, Rian & Zack are currently co-headlining on the Bamboozle Roadshow tour thru June, and will continue touring outside the U.S. thru September. For Bamboozle tour dates and tickets click here, and for all other tour dates and info, check out their MySpace. Make sure to pick up the band’s recently released DVD, Straight To DVD, in stores now!