Album Review: Martian 'Vultures'


Martian’s EP Vultures is five tracks of easy listening with a high and low progression of indie rock tracks featuring soothing melodies. The opening track “Big Ideas” is an upbeat number about someone who just won’t shut up and has nothing good to say. The EP moves along a little bit slower on the second song, “Clockwork”.   This song showcases the band’s ability to harmonize, creating an eerie, exciting sound. The energy level jumps up in the middle of the EP with the rockin’ number “Hunter,” followed by the pattern of slow to fast tempos with “Do I Have Your Attention” and “Love/Hate.” Each song threads into the next back and forth with high energy rock versus the slower riffs. The EP ends on a high note with the last track, one of my favorites, “Love/Hate.”

Stand out tracks: “Clockwork,” “Love/Hate”, and “Hunter,”

Check out the band this weekend at Bar East in NYC. See the myspace invite for more information.

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