Fefe Dobson's Current Mood: Joy

I’m usually quick to turn down teeny-bopping, soda popping, lollipop-sucking music. This is one of the exceptions, and it’s not because she’s a fellow Pisces and have named her second releasing album after my name (not entirely anyway). Joy, Fefe Dobson’s official sophomore studio album (produced by both 21 Music, as well as her previous record label Island Records) is scheduled to release this month.

This comeback single “I Want You” is currently available on Fefe Dobson. It’s fun, it’s pop, it’s chorus repetition and everything you would expect along with a punk rock school girl video. Close your eyes and listen, she could fairly easily be mistaken for Avril Lavigne, without the skateboard. There are more tracks on the album that better showcase Dobson’s spunkiness. “U Bitch” is your typical don’t mess with my man’ anthem, with the popish chorus. But something about the versus makes you yearn for more. This time around, Dobson also slows it down and takes us on an emotional ride – whether it’s trying to fight the fear of falling for the wrong person again in “In Your Touch,” or the fear of losing the one you love in “Can’t Breathe,” which is one of my personal favorites.

Give this Canadian girl a chance. She is pop with a twist, edgy with an attitude. And there is every reason to celebrate with Joy.

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