Walking down the street with A Weather’s new album Everyday Balloons in your ears, you would feel like you’d been dropped into a scene from some Indie film that you’ve never heard of. The soft, clear voices radiate through your body cold and clean like a ripple through water. The emotionless and almost monotone harmonies make you want to close your eyes and doze lazily in the summer sun. In the right mood, Everyday Balloons could possibly set you into a mystical trance-like musical coma. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. When deciphered, messages like “It’s not the weight that brings you down, its how you carry it” from the track “Happiness” seem to call to emotion, without really expressing it.
The songs have a very similar essence about them. From the rhythm to the lyrics, the songs blend together indiscriminately into one large bowl of folk with a style that yells “nonconformity!” while wearing a pair of Dockers with Uggs. But, if the songs catch you in the right mood, the songs can cut to your core quicker than a southern Baptist minister. The songs “Happiness,” “Giant Stairs,” and “Newfallen” stood out to me as the best on the album. They comprised the most original sound of all the songs they put together. The vocals are resonant and strong, the percussion and instrumentals on point, they are good at what they do. A Weather is a band that you are either in the mood for, or you really like Indie folk music; nothing in between. With the talent to pull it off, they glide under the radar and will be heard on future Sundance soundtracks for years to come.
For more information on A Weather and to hear their music, visit their official website. Their latest release Everyday Balloons is available now on !
Reading your blog put a smile on my face that lasted all day, thanks!
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