Magazines are having trouble these days, paging and ad dollars are down and continue to drop, causing some publications to look as slim as ever. This is especially true of Blender Magazine.
I have been an avid reader of Blender Magazine since its inception. In addition to it’s wide array of musical coverage, I always loved the witty repertoire and satirical tone of the writing. This magazine offered music enthusiasts an escape from the seriousness of other music magazines, while giving everyone no matter what their musical preference something they could be interested in reading.
I’m really disappointed by the abundant drops in ad pages causing the once perfect bound spine converted into a pathetic looking saddle stitched publication. This has been the case for the last two issues. March and April are thin leaflets held together by staples.
Editorially, this publication still has vitality in the marketplace. I’m just hoping this is a temporary lapse and soon they will be able to bounce back from the hurt of the economy
To all the advertisers out there: PLEASE PUT SOME MONEY INTO THIS MAGAZINE!