I listened to this CD last week on MySpace and I didn’t think it was as good as the last few releases. However, my computer kept buffering and I was preoccupied. I tried to pre-ordered the CD to listen to on my way to work but I didn’t have that option on iTunes. It wasn’t until this morning that I finally got to listen to the much anticipated Folie A Deux and I have to say I’m not really feeling it. It’s not as good as “Infinity on High” or “From Under the Cork Tree”. I really enjoyed all of the previous CD’s. The music was good, the lyrics were amusing and sometimes profound and I think Patrick Stump has a great voice. Folie A Deux fails to bring the fans any of this, except Stumps voice. The tracks blurred into the next and I was kind of bored. The only track I really liked was the “I Don’t Care” remix. So buy it if you want but I wish I could get a refund.