Smirnoff NAS/N.E.R.D Party Total Bust- At least I got to see Benji Madden and Michael Phelps

Sony Pictures Classics Presents Tyson New York Screening

Tonight we attempted to go to the Smirnoff Global Experience party featuring NAS & N.E.R.D. The party was being held at Capitale in the lower East side. The event started at 9 and we figured that it was going to be a big crowd due to the fact that number one it was in NYC and there are a ton people as it is, and two, there were a ton of great acts performing.

We got to the event at like 8:30 and the line wasn’t too bad. Little did we know that there was another line forming on the opposite side of the entrance. Additionally, we didn’t realize that three buses would pull up and drop off a bunch of people. Then a black VIP truck pulled up and I don’t’ know if it was just the entourage rolling in there or the actual artists as there was some shrieking that I heard in the distance.

After a bit one of the girls we were with went up to the front to see if we could slip our way into the front of the line. She works for themedia and said the guy told her to wait and he would let her in. Getting this text message me and my two other friends went up there to try to mush our way in. We made head way towards the front of the line and we actually saw some guys who were in front of us back towards the back of the line. The guy turns to me and says “oh you guys did what we did.” I laughed and said “yeah.”

We stood there for a bit and and then someone came out and said the place was at capacity. This was really hard to believe because I have been at Capitale before and it is quite a large venue that could probably hold a couple thousand people. Also, there were not a couple thousand people on line in front of us either. I think they were totally lying to us.

Realizing that we totally weren’t’ getting in we left. Luckily, we had a back up plan just in case we weren’t able to get into the Smirnoff event. Block Party was promoting the 70th Anniversary of Bowlmor Lanes which was hosted by Michael Phelps and Benji Madden was deejaying.

The flyer we had gotten stated that there would be “a complimentary drink, and food.” We figured this meant one free drink and some food. However, after going to every bar on every floor of the 5 flight establishment we realized that  we were getting the shaft. Every bar tender had said it was a cash bar. Now this wouldn’t be a problem, but we were pissed from waiting in line for an hour and a half and then paid for a cab all the way over. If we were prepared for a cash bar it would be understandable. My friend finally wanted some answers so she asked to speak with a manager.

This guy named Jake something came out apologizing but overalll was very unsympathetic. He basically blamed the whole thing on Block Party and said that they printed the flyer with the misleading advertisement and there was nothing he could do. Personally, I think that is a load of crap and he could have at least bought the three of us a drink. I mean come on with all the money that place is pulling in regardless if it wasn’t there fault they should be realizing that we are patronizing their facility and we can tell people about the crappy service they are giving.

Not wanting to really drink, but wanting to check the place out we perused around for a bit and finally saw that there was two things that they did not lie about on the flyer; Michael Phelps and Joel Madden.

Phelps was sitting with his entourage and what looked like his girlfriend in a roped off lane where they had unlimited supply of drinks and bowling. Must be great to be a celebrity you get everything you want all the time.

I’m really bummed that we didn’t get to see the Smirnoff show. It would probably been awesome. I need to get in line earlier or get a press pass. Also,I’m never going back to that Bowlmor place because they have crappy service and don’t give a crap about you…

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