Getting Psyched for New Kids Concert- These Videos are Great

I am going to see NKOTB next week and I’m getting super psyched. There are all these video blogs on the New Kids on the Block website chronicling them getting read to go back on tour. They are hilrious. Apparently, now that Donnie is single he is looking for face time and million hugs from all the fans. He said to find this guy named Zach will be giving out back stage passes so he can get face time with all the fans. I don’t know if he’s serious or what. One thing is for sure these videos are hysterical. The best part is when he makes the hand signals around his face and then points to his wrist.  He totally seems high in this video. LOL!

The other thing that is awesome is that in one, Joey recalls a conversation that him and Danny had on one of their old “Hanging Tough” Tour Video. He references the part where Danny is getting food and how he doesn’t know if he will like it, but his mom said “my mom always says try it you might like it, so I will try”  Danny had not idea what he was talking about, but I totally did.

There was another part in the video where Danny was telling Donny he had something in his tooth and he goes, “this one,” and Dany is like now the other one and then Donny just goes “I don’t care.” But he says it in a funny way. Every now and then I’ll just say that and my sister will start laughing…

Check out the videos below….

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